Meet Dylan...
"I started S2C three years ago and it has changed my world. It has given me a voice and a way for me to share my thoughts. I feel so much happier now that I can communicate. I think it could change your child’s life." -Dylan L. Speller advocate
"I started S2C three years ago and it has changed my world. It has given me a voice and a way for me to share my thoughts. I feel so much happier now that I can communicate. I think it could change your child’s life." -Dylan L. Speller advocate
When asked to spell his superhero Persona
he spelled :
I am Cool Guy.
I was born on the planet Amazing.
I am able to read people's minds.
My team of fellow superheroes is changing the world's perceptions of autism.
We are knocking down the walls of misperceptions with our super fingers.
They blow away our disbelievers misperceptions and lies.
Our super fingers allow us to access the authentic regions of our talents.
Together we are improving the lives of other nonspeaking, minimally speaking, and unreliably speaking individuals locked on the planet Ignorance.
When we apply our super talents our enemies are powerless to combat the truth.
The truth is "we matter and will be silenced no longer."